Mount Up: Fuelab's New Mounting Options For The H/E Series Pumps

2022-07-02 08:10:07 By : Ms. Robin Wong

© 2022 Power Automedia. All rights reserved.

Each fuel system used in a racing application is going to require its own custom touch for it to fit correctly in a vehicle. With that in mind, Fuelab wanted to help racers get the right fuel system for their needs and designed a new way to use its H/E series of twin-screw fuel pumps. The new mounting options that Fuelab now offers for the H/E series will help any racer plumb their fuel system right the first time.

Fuelab has been producing brushless fuel pumps for over a decade, and their H/E line of pumps are the pinnacle of that knowledge. These DC pumps are ultra-efficient and use less than 10 amps of current to support 1,200 horsepower with 60 psi of fuel pressure. To make these pumps more versatile, Fuelab created a system for them to be used in an SAE standard 10-bolt mount, power module flange mount, and in-tank mount, as well.

The 10-bolt system is perfect for fuel cells, while the power module flange mount allows users to install it in their own system via the fabricated mount. The power module will work with either fuel cells or a fuel tank.

Rob Scharfenberg from Fuelab explains how these mounting options are a great choice for those with a drag racing application.

“One of the best things about these new mounting options is you can install it directly into the fuel cell and that makes plumbing easier. That way the system is installed directly in the tank and makes it easier to route all of your lines. You also have full access to everything with the pump. It simplifies all of your mounting and if you have a tight area without a lot of area to mount an external pump, putting it in the cell leaves you with just a line coming out to the engine and then back for the return line. You don’t have to worry about mounting pumps low, because these tuck everything up and keep it out of the way.”

These pumps will work with both carburetor and fuel injection applications along with any power-adder you might be using. The pumps also have a low resistance to cavitation, so there will be less opportunity for vapor-lock. You can learn more about these pumps and the new mounting options right here on the Fuelab website.

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