As Charles ascends to the throne, what about the monarchy affects us?

2022-10-02 15:47:53 By : Mr. Bruce Zhao

Americans have always been intrigued by the United Kingdom. We have the same language and a friendship lasting centuries (interrupted only by the War of 1812). The recent death of Queen Elizabeth II and the changing of the throne inspired passion, and our flag was hung at half-mast for 12 days.

There was quite extensive coverage of the royal family. Some would say we fought a war to escape that, but fortunately we are free to react as we wish.

Most of us grew up reading English literature, books such as "Jane Eyre" and "Tale of Two Cities," and we have a common point of reference. And, of course, who hasn't spent a summer day with "Treasure Island" and the treacherous Long John Silver?

So I can understand why we are interested in the ceremony of the death of the only British monarch most of us have known. It seems fitting that many Americans honored her life of duty and service. Queen Elizabeth was monarch for 70 years, 1/3rd of the time that the United States has been a republic.

But the period of mourning for Elizabeth II is officially over.  And we wonder, as Charles III ascends to the throne, what is it about the monarchy that affects us?

We should thank Great Britain for giving us Magna Carta or “Great Charter,” a document of political and civil liberties granted by King John, June 15, 1215. (We commonly put the definite article ‘the’ in front of its name, but because it was written in Latin, there were no definite articles in the original text.) This was a guarantee of basic individual rights, and the first time the world had something of this nature. Guarantees of a speedy trial by one’s peers and a ban on cruel and unusual punishment ― things that made it into our Constitution ― originated in the Magna Carta.

The monarchical system is intriguing, and so different than anything in the United States. We have nothing like it here. And since the end of the 1600s ― after the restoration of the monarchy by King Charles II, the last Charles before today’s ― the U.K. has become a constitutional monarchy, a country in which the powers of rulers are limited to those under the constitution.

When representatives of 13 British colonies met to tell King George lll of England that they were tired of British rule, and wanted to rule themselves, what they separated themselves from was not a constitution. We wrote one after the Articles of Confederation failed to create the kind of nation the 13 colonies sought. Americans did not see it necessary to have heredity and history in order to provide an order to our country. Indeed we placed on the Great Seal of the United States some more Latin: "novus ordo seclorum," a new order of the ages. One that had no need of kings or emperors.

That new order has stood for more than 230 years, certainly not as long as the British crown. But if imitation is the gauge of success, there are 43 monarchies in the world today, including the 15 members of the British Commonwealth (countries like Canada and Australia that have constitutions but share a common king.) Even with the recent decline in democracies since 2005 or so, there are still 123 countries that are some form of democracy without a hereditary monarch.

I don't know if the ascension of Charles to the throne will affect our lives, but I am grateful to Queen Elizabeth for a life of service and duty and for always "being there," providing context and stability in the mad rush of life.

— This is the opinion of Times Writers Group member Barbara Banaian, a professional pianist who lives in the St. Cloud area. Her column is published the first Sunday of the month.